
Twin Flame Love Healing

Love is one of the most important yet difficult aspects of Life on Earth. Life lessons relating to Love are often the most difficult to overcome, as it affects everyone on such a deep emotional level and mental level that it can drain you of the emotional and mental strength to know and feel what is best for you. It has caused many people to sink into depths of depression that they simply cannot get out of.

The extent and seriousness of such recurring problems that can carry forward from lifetime to lifetime, from generation to generation, is why Living Light Universe has been guided by the Universe to provide Twin Flame Love Healing to people in need. Make a commitment to Heal Yourself, stop the negative patterns from continuing to wreak havoc in your life, and Create a new and much more positive path filled with Love.

What is Twin Flame? Everyone is one half of a pair of Twin Souls in the Universe. The other Twin Soul is often called your Twin Flame. When your Soul Energy combines with your Twin Flame’s Soul Energy, you form a perfect balance and match of Masculine/Feminine (or Yin/Yang) energies of Unconditional Love.

A point to highlight is that: your gender does not necessarily denote if your Soul Energy is the Masculine or Feminine half of your pair of Twin Souls. Meaning, it is possible for Masculine Soul Energy to be in a female body, and Feminine Soul Energy to be in a male body. Regardless of your sexual orientation, your Twin Flame’s energy will naturally complete and balance you in terms of Masculine/Feminine energies.   

It is very rare for both you and your Twin Flame to be incarnated in physical form in the same lifetime. For most people, their Twin Flames reside in the Higher Realms, providing support and guidance to them when called upon. Reason for Twin Flames to be separated physically from most people, is that they may have other life lessons that they wish to experience and learn in their current lifetime, or they have got life purposes to fulfill that need their time, energy and focus.

In the rare case, where both you and your Twin Flame are in physical form in the same lifetime, it is most likely that both of you have got an important Universal project to work on together, by using the perfect balance of energies that both of you together possess.

If you are among the majority of people who do not get to be with your Twin Flame in person, your lover and spouse would most likely to be Soul Mates from the same Soul Group as you, or they might be from other Soul Groups, chosen to connect with you for the purpose of karmic resolution or learning.

When you are having various problems with Love & Relationships in your life, it is often due to imbalance of Love Frequency & Energy within you. The imbalance or inner issues within you are so strong that they attract people or situations into your life to give you the opportunities to work out and resolve that imbalance issue. Eg. If you are unable to give Unconditional Love to others, you may keep attracting lovers who take advantage of your emotions to satisfy their selfish desires or needs. Or if you are unable to feel Self-Love, or if you feel that you are unworthy to be loved, you may find yourself struggling with loneliness or get into loveless relationships/marriage. The types of possible scenarios that people are faced with are practically infinite.

Adrian Ng has been helping many people and couples around the world successfully with their Love, Relationship and Marriage issues, through his deep and strong connection with the Universe that ultimately has a role to play in everyone’s lives.

If you are tired of struggling with Love, Relationship and Marriage issues, and truly wish to live a life filled with genuine love for yourself and/or your other half, contact us to Start Your Twin Flame Love Healing process today, to receive the help of the Universe and your Twin Flame.

Click here to read a Review of our unique and highly effective Twin Flame Love Healing therapy by Ms Sonia Ong, Executive Director of Singapore Wellness Association and Editor of Evolve Asia Magazine, a regional Holistic Wellness magazine.

Cannot Find True Love? Cannot Attract Love? Cannot Feel Love? Having Love, Relationship or Marriage Problems? Keep Attracting Problematic Love Partners? Stuck In Loveless Relationship or Marriage? Intimacy/Sexual Problems in your Marriage or Relationship? Struggling with Self-Love Issues?

You are not alone. Many people around the world are suffering from Love & Relationship issues, just like you.
It does not have to be this way. But you must want to Be Healed, and Receive the Love Healing and Receive Guidance from your Twin Flame and the Universe.

Twin Flame Love Healing Program

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Despite attending single events and meeting guys on various dating app, I still cannot find love and be in a relationship. I always encounter guys who disappeared after a few dates. I am so frustrated and wonder whether I am destined to be alone.

Luckily, I happen to surf Living Light Universe Website and come across Twin Flame Love Healing Services. I decided to go for it. Adrian is quite patient and offered me love advices on top of the healing session.

Shortly after the Love Healing Session, I have met a caring and sincere guy who is now my boyfriend.I am so grateful to Adrian for the Twin Flame Love Healing Sessions as it did help me to remove my inner love obstacles. I am so glad that I have signed up for the Love Healing Sessions.

~ Yan, Female, Singapore

I had been going for countless dating sessions with dating agencies and also tried to find love from online dating websites for a number of years. I spent quite a lot of money and time, but still could not find anyone suitable. Even when I joined other social or dating activities, I still was not successful. It was always the case of the guy likes me, but I don’t feel for him, or I may like the guy but he does not feel anything special towards me.

After my friend in a similar situation went to seek Adrian’s help and healing and successfully found love within 2 months, I also sought his help. He is very frank and to the point, yet understanding. It is very easy to discuss my love issues with him, even on sensitive topics. Through his Twin Flame Love Healing sessions, I’ve finally understood my problems and weaknesses, not just personality but also from an energy and spiritual perspective. I never knew about such mystical stuff until I met Adrian! I could feel the positive change in me. And you know what? Now, I’ve been getting positive matches and responses from my dating sessions, so finally I have suitable guys to choose from! ;)

~ “Happy Angel”, Singapore

I finally ended my long term singlehood problem and found love, thanks to Adrian’s healing and guidance.

~ "June", Singapore

I chanced upon Living Light Universe when I was searching for healing. I was browsing the website when my attention was diverted to the Twin Flame Love Healing session. As I am having marriage issues which has been making me miserable, I decided to give it a go after seeing the testimonials on how it has helped people.

Adrian was very patient and went through all my issues in which he provided some insight. He also explained very clearly how the session will be conducted. It was an eye opening experience for me and after the session, I have been given all the answers I need to know on saving my marriage. After the session, Adrian also gave some advise on how to handle the issues better. I left feeling light hearted and happy, a far cry from when I went.

I would like to thank Adrian for the healing session. It is indeed very helpful. Thank you once again:).

~ “Genesis”, Singapore

My feelings and love for my wife has been re-kindled. More appreciative being together all these years. A very gratifying experience.

Adrian can make it so comfortable and confiding. Thank you so much.

~ Wilson Raj, Singapore

Dear Adrian,

A sincere thank you for all your help and encouragement! Also, thank you for your patience in answering all my seemingly endless questions and guided me through the healing session professionally.

Your Twin Flame Love Healing Session was an eye opening experience for me. I am so glad that I am able to meet my Twin Soul during the session and feel blessed that he came to help you heal my tired soul. I went to your session with a heart full of worries but I left ur session feeling much happier and recharged! I see hope in my relationship with my boyfriend and I feel more confident with myself in handling my boyfriend's extreme mood swing now!

All the best to u Adrian and thank you once again!  

~ “Lyre”, Malaysia  

I had gone through a very painful divorce, and as a single mother with young kids to take care of, I really couldn't envisage how my future will be after my husband left me for another woman. I was so down, and even thought of suicide. But I had my children to take care of. I was so lost and frightened. then I googled the Internet, and found Adrian's website. The thing that struck me was that I felt I was guided by the universe to this point, where I had to get help for my life.

And it truly helped me. I cried and I cried, during the session. I was told this is part of my healing process. Yah, so I've come a long way, and feel so much fresher, and Adrian's healing really helped me. I feel so much lighter in my heart, and no longer feel I'm unworthy to be loved, even though my marriage failed.

I hope Adrian will continue to help all the women out there who are having same problems as I had. Thank you, Adrian!

~ "M", Singapore

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